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As a consulting company, EKSPERT-SITR LTD in Koszalin came into being on the 1st of March 1992.



We work with research institutions, agricultural advisory centers, experts from various fields.


RES Projects

We carry out projects co-financed from the European Social are called upon.


Real Estate Appraisal


Environmental protection

We develop such reports on the impact of projects on the environment with particular emphasis on projects related to renewable energy sources.


Technology and construction projects

We develop technology and construction projects in the field of renewable energy sources adapted to the conditions and requirements of the investor and the resources held by him.


The plant of energy production from biomass


The system is implemented in Września in the Wielkopolska Province.

The assumptions and results:

The scope of the venture (the project) involves the use of sewage sludge and other organic mass as a renewable medium of energy. Conversion (transformation) of the organic mass will consist among others in the methane fermentation (first processing stage). Biogas produced in this process is a source of power for the generating and heat system (of biogas power plant) in which electricity and heat is produced in the combination.

Basic elements of the proposed project are biogas plant and cogeneration generators and the installation of the thermal conversion of biomass into energy. The proposed biomass conversion system will be tightly integrated with the existing sewage treatment plant. The sludge from secondary settling tanks will be provided to the process of methane fermentation, therefore open fermentation chambers will be out of use. After the execution of roofing, these chambers will be used as containers for temporary storage of the digestate mass. The effluent (liquid fraction after centrifugation of the digestate mass) will be directed to the sewage treatment plant.

The second level of processing of the organic mass will be based on the thermal processing of the solid fraction of the digestate mass (in a centrifuge) and the use of thermal energy from the exhaust gases from cogeneration generators in which biogas will be combusted. The surplus of biogas collected in a separate tank will be used in the installation of thermal processing of biomass as a supportive source of energy. This system (installation) will be integrated with the installation of the biogas plant and municipal boiler (optionally).

System components:

  • The biogas plant.
  • Cogeneration generators.
  • Installation of the thermal conversion of biomass into energy.
  • The sewage treatment plant.

Manufactured Products:

  • production of electricity,
  • production of heat energy.

Schematic diagram of the system:

Schematic of Września
Wykonanie: EKSPERT-SITR Spółka z o.o. 2010-2025