EKSPERT-SITR Ltd. Also deals with searching for new technical and technological solutions. We cooperate with high-class engineers, specialists and scientific units. We design technological solutions dedicated to industries in areas such as:
- the use of renewable energy sources,
- innovative heat and power circuits,
- innovative methods and techniques of treatment,
- improvement of mass and energy flows,
- innovative technologies of waste management including hazardous waste,
- energetic use of waste, including sewage,
- biofuel production of I, II, III generation
- using of algae in industry,
- using of fuel cell in the industry,
- production of butadiene,
- smart grids - power management SMART GRID
- innovative technologies of thermal utilization.
We develop solutions on behalf of our clients, but we also conduct development activities, the result of which are patent claims:
- "A method of hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material in a continuous process" ("Sposób hydrolizy surowca lignocelulozowego w procesie ciągłym")
date of notification: 31.05.2011, notification under P. 395072
- "A complex system for sewage sludge management and other biomass, particularly as renewable energy sources" ("Kompleksowy system zagospodarowania osadów ściekowych i innej biomasy, zwłaszcza jako odnawialnego źródła energii")
date of notification: 01.09.2008, notification under P.385987
- "A method of electricity, heat energy, fertilizer and/or feed and ethanol producing from agricultural products and waste products in agro-processing industry" ("Sposób wytwarzania energii elektrycznej, cieplnej, nawozów i/lub pasz oraz etanolu z płodów rolnych i odpadów poprodukcyjnych w przemyśle rolno przetwórczym")
date of notification: 20.08.2008, notification under P.385950